hookregNL is a function to calculate the slope and intercept of an amplification curve from a quantitative PCR experiment. The idea is that a strong negative slope at the end of an amplification curve is indicative for a hook effect (see Barratt and Mackay 2002). In contrast to hookreg fits this function a sex-parameter model to the amplification curve and extracts the coefficient, which describes the slope.

hookregNL(x, y, plot = FALSE, level = 0.995, simple = TRUE,
  manualtrim = 5)



is the cycle numbers (x-axis).


is the cycle dependent fluorescence amplitude (y-axis).


is a logical parameter indicating if the data should be plotted, Default: FALSE.


the confidence level required, Default: 0.99.


is a logical parameter. If TRUE (default) only the slope, confidence interval and decisions are shown as output


is the number of cycles that should be removed from the background. (data.frame). If FALSE, a list including the 6-parameter model is the output.


K. Barratt, J.F. Mackay, Improving Real-Time PCR Genotyping Assays by Asymmetric Amplification, J. Clin. Microbiol. 40 (2002) 1571--1572. doi:10.1128/JCM.40.4.1571-1572.2002.

See also


# Analyze data from the boggy data set for potential hook effect like # curvature library(qpcR) # has hook res <- hookregNL(boggy[, 1], boggy[, 2])
#> Waiting for profiling to be done...
#> slope CI.low CI.up hook #> 1 -0.01596799 -0.01872172 -0.01348229 1
# has no hook res <- hookregNL(boggy[, 1], boggy[, 12])
#> Waiting for profiling to be done...
#> slope CI.low CI.up hook #> 1 0.0003364313 NA NA 0